
Middle school at Palmerston Christian College

Palmerston Christian College is a school where every student is able to thrive. The middle school years are a unique period of student growth and development. The middle school program is designed to expand students’ academic skills and promote personal development. We embed the attitude of responsible citizenship into the program through a variety of learning experiences. We seek to develop and encourage an understanding, application and a respect for God and for Christian values.

Adolescence is a time of rapid physical, social, emotional and cognitive change. At Palmerston Christian College, we target teaching and learning to each individual student as they grow in maturity. The focus is on developing personal values and social-emotional wellbeing. Our classroom activities and structures are developed to ensure every student achieves their full potential. Our approach equips middle school students with vital skills, knowledge and attitude for their senior school years and to prepare them for life in the wider community.

We believe that students flourish best when they have developed a positive mindset. We also believe that each student is important, can become self-confident and enhance their academic performance, and has the potential to achieve their goals and dreams. The success of our middle school is the result of a collaborative approach of students, parents, and the entire school community focused on the holistic development of the student.

At Palmerston Christian College, we endeavour to have strong partnerships between parents, students and the school. We firmly believe that where these partnerships exist, a child’s education can reach its maximum potential and students can thrive not just in their education, but in the complex transition from adolescence to adulthood.

We highly value regular communication with parents and would encourage you to contact us, as we endeavour to do the same wherever possible.

Although Compass, email and phone contact are often the go-to, we would also encourage you to partner with our school by attending:

  • Parent information nights
  • Parent teacher conferences each semester
  • School camps as a volunteer
  • Special assemblies
  • School functions and celebrations

It is in partnering together that we shall strengthen this community and see your child excel to their maximum potential.